Rachida Aharrat, found a creative way to maintain contact with the students from her ContempOriental class during the 2020 and 2021 lockdowns. Here she explains how she united the students through 2 video projects followed by testimonials from the students themselves, revealing how this project inspired and motivated them.
During the first Lockdown, to fill the void of human contact I came up with the idea of making a video where the students improvised, with the final movement of one woman linking to the next movement of the other. As a common base apart from the music, I had them film themselves looking out of the window, a way of representing the nostalgia of sharing. Somehow we felt integrated and united by having to WhatsApp each other's videos in order to continue working together outside of class. It was a reason to keep in touch, to stay active and creative.
This second Lockdown was almost worse than the first. The cold weather and the lack of sunshine meant that we spent more hours indoors than during the first one. There was less social contact and we were tired of only dancing in the online classes and not in the studio. It was a student who encouraged me to make a second video, this second one perhaps more sad and melancholic than the first. A train travels through different forests and reaches the houses, where each of the students shares the same movement within the same image, another way to keep in touch. Even if reality has kept us away from each other, the music and the image has united us and has been a tool and a perfect excuse to dance our personal winter.
Rachida teaches ContempOriental at ZeoT Zürich every Friday at 18.30. Join her class here >>
For further information about her work visit Rachida’s website >>